Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Cost of Living (and studying)

I just mailed in my application for a student visa and have, hopefully, finished all my information for FAFSA. In case you were wondering how much it cost to live and study in England for a year, it is roughly as much as a new Lexus Hybrid. Ouch! I received my reading list from the school (about 20 books, I hope I can read 4 of them before I leave); bought my plane ticket (I leave on Monday, 27 September); met a friend of a friend who lives in London in case I need a place to stay while there; and arranged to stay long term at the guest house I was in last time I was in Stratford-Upon-Avon.
I leave in jut about two months, and it just hit me how soon that is. I have a lot to do.

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